Ask anyone what makes news and you'll likely get a variety of responses: timeliness, impact on one's community, matters of public safety and even the odd or quirky story can all be judged to be newsworthy. In reality, it's a matter of opinion. With the exception of a blockbuster story, what's newsworthy to one person may not be to someone else. What captures the attention of one editor may get a yawn from another.
Press kits are not always necessary. In many cases, a simple press release will suffice. But when the issue is a bit more complicated than usual, when you want to brand your event or when you're involed in an extended media campaign, a press kit becomes invaluable. Press kits can be distributed at press conferences or one-on-one interviews. They can be mailed to a reporter ahead of an event to bring him or her up to speed on the issue. They can also be adapted for editorial board sessions, giving the editors the materials they need to understand and, ultimately, support your position or issue. But don't stop there. Go digital. |
March 2019