Staying on message is a delicate dance between saying what must be said while not sounding robotic. You want to sound conversational and interesting, not scripted and rehearsed. One way to do that is to remember that a single thought can be expressed in more than one way. Repeating the message does not mean using the exact same words.
If you've wondered how to beef up your overall communications strategy, consider whether you have fully integrated your various methods of delivering your message. Do you say one thing in a press release and another on Twitter? Are you consistent when it comes to blog posts and brochures? Do your earned media efforts support your paid advertising campaign? Integrated communications is getting more and more attention these days. Why? In part one and part two we discussed coming up with a communications plan and the actual implementation of the plan. Our final segment deals with trying to gauge the impact and effectiveness of your plan. In other words, what did you accomplish? Was it worth the effort? To assess the impact of any communications plan it's important to know and understand what success will look like. Just what were you hoping to accomplish? It might be increased awareness of an issue or passage of legislation. It might be increased financial support for your organization or simply the placement of a story in a respectable media outlet. Some of these are easier to determine than others. Seeing increased donations is evidence you did something right. But your success may not always be quite so clear. |
March 2019