If you've ever wondered just what public relations is all about, you're not alone. PR is a bit like taking a Rorschach test; it means different things to different people. That's why a recent article at Inc.com is helpful in cutting through some of the clutter surrounding the profession. Writer Steve Cody does more than that. He explains why public relations is often more effective than traditional advertising.
The end of year is a great time for reflection and re-evaluation, especially when it comes to media relations and crisis communications. It's good to ask yourself whether your media plan is still valid heading into the new year. Here are some things to consider: 1. Conduct media training for key staff, new hires or people who've been promoted into positions where the media suddenly becomes part of their job description. Utilize the services of a firm like ours to determine who needs to be trained and what they need to know. Variety is the spice of life, and yet how many companies, organizations and individuals forget that important pearl of wisdom when it comes to media relations and public relations. It's tempting to think that if you schedule a press conference or send out a press release and nobody covers your story, that you have to forget it and move on. In reality, there may be numerous reasons you got little or no coverage and few could have to do with the actual story. Before giving up hope, consider recasting your story with a slightly different angle or hook and try again in a few weeks. The battle over the budget in Washington has been an interesting case study for how groups try to control the message. Sure, it's political and both sides will have supporters claiming victory.
But, when you get past the partisan talking heads, the side most often seen as having won the battle is the one who has done the best job in setting the right expectations for the media. It's an important point to keep in mind on your next public relations or media relations challenge. |
March 2019